Mullet Bitten Biscuit 5'4

$ 315.16

The Bitten Biscuit is a must-have in any conditions: mushy surf, shore break, point breaks and the list goes on. Its double bat tail couple with a double stringer system will enable you to get good sensation whether you surf with a thruster set up, a twin fin set up, single fin or finless.
5'4" x 21 1/4" x 2 7/16"  
34 Litres

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        Mullet Bitten Biscuit 5'4

        Mullet Bitten Biscuit 5'4

        The Bitten Biscuit is a must-have in any conditions: mushy surf, shore break, point breaks and the list goes on. Its double bat tail couple with a double stringer system will enable you to get good sensation whether you surf with a thruster set up, a twin fin set up, single fin or finless.

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